Apartment building lists

Build a list of apartment building owners.  View full details for owners of apartment buildings including:

  • True owner contact info like name, e-mail address, and mobile phone numbers.
  • Property characteristics
  • Sales and loan information
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Detailed information about any apartment building

Need a list of apartment building owners?

Prospect is the only database specifically designed to help you find property owners fast.

It has all the tools you need to find and market to buyers and sellers of apartment buildings; including email and phone contacts, owner history, property info and more.

So you can more easily find and connect with potential customers to win more business.

View apartment buildings most likely to sell

The Prospect database is more than just contact details.

It contains more than just property history.

It shows you exactly which buildings are most likely to sell in the next 12 months.

This way, you don’t have to waste time or money on low-probability prospects.

Now you can spend your time developing exclusive relationships with the right property owners, at the right time.

Man working on laptop looking at a piece of paper

The most complete and up-to-date database of apartment buildings.

Prospect is a tool that can help you make more money, enjoy your work and build your business.

Whether you’re a commercial real estate broker, investor, lender, or business owner, Prospect has the data and features you need to scale.

Try it free today

We've taken all the information you need to know about any apartment owner and put it in one convenient place

Search residential plans

includes single family residential properties

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Search commercial plans

includes all propertIEs BOTH REGIONAL OR U.S.

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